official release date: 2024 Feb Fri 02

Liberty Edizioni [ LIB001 ]

Michele Braganti

Aggrapparsi Con Un Dito

Disappointed expectations, consequences of wrong life choices. A neglected love, a life focused solely on personal interests, and an abandoned child. The disillusionment with illusions of success and infinite time, emphasizing that, once achieved, success can prove to be empty. A 'expired ticket' and a 'flight already departed' symbolizing opportunities irretrievably lost. The song concludes with an invocation to cling with a finger to avoid falling into the void, highlighting the difficulty of doing so and the persistent hope for the possibility of change.

  • front cover.

    LIB001-283.png LIB001-600.jpg

  • info cover.

    LIB001-INFO-600.jpg LIB001-INFO-283.png