official release date: 2015 Mar Mon 30

Beagle Traxx [ BGT010 ]

Athann, Adam Curtain, Iban Montoro, Jazzman Wax, Esteban De Urbina

Sampler Vol.3

Beagle Traxx Sampler Vol 3, Proud to present you our third Sampler release, the Ep is made of 4 tracks from different artists focused on pure deep music and house, The first track is from Greek artist Athann and its a full deep track with some sinthy hot and little vocal sample, The second track is from Adam Curtain, from London with groovy tune full of bumpy old school beats, The third track is delivered to us from producers Iban Montoro & Jazzman Wax, the track is characterised with deep bass and a great use of percussions brought tighter by an old school acappella, The fourth track comes from Esteban De Urbina artist, gives us a more hold House track marked by some warm filtered chords, groovy drums, percussion and trumpets.

  • front cover.

    BGT010-283.png BGT010-600.jpg

  • info cover.

    BGT010-INFO-600.jpg BGT010-INFO-283.png